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Are you opposed to the statewide mandate that requires all California K-12 students be vaccinated against Covid-19? The only way to stop this egregious overreach is to unify into a cohesive voice that will be heard in Sacramento and beyond. Please join your voice with ours – provide some basic contact info to help us mobilize into a potent force for our children.
To learn more about the movement Click here
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Vaccine Neutral & Choice. We’re “vaccine-neutral” – broad swaths of those in the movement have received the Covid-19 vaccine. However, we stand for parents’ freedom of choice in our kids’ health care, and we stand as a voice for the marginalized children in this particular story.
- Numerous groups of engaged citizens are spontaneously forming throughout California to defeat the Covid-19 vaccine mandate for all K-12 students, but most of these groups remain fragmented and are failing to leverage the power of large numbers through statewide unity.
- We are a group of concerned families, business leaders, and other professionals that have joined together to launch The Unity Project to aid a unified movement against forced Covid-19 child vaccines, via unification efforts, resourcing, and a desire to amplify the best strategies of the most organized and effective groups that are already doing tremendous work in this space across the state.
- We recognize the urgent need to unite these fragmented groups statewide into a powerful force of concerned citizens that is well-resourced, well-coordinated with streamlined communication and propelled by strong execution across the state. Our humble intention is to also serve as a catalyst that significantly amplifies the best strategies being driven by the most experienced and effective groups in the space.
- We’re already deeply engaged with the leaders of dozens of groups statewide to discuss unification/collaboration in peaceful resistance to the mandate. The vision is being met with overwhelming enthusiasm, as everyone knows there’s tremendous power in large numbers acting together.
- We must develop a network that social media cannot “cancel.”
Our Core Values
- Unity & Teamwork. We’re building a “broad tent” community that is neither interested in nor distracted by “Left – Right” partisan politics. Instead, we’re committed to a framework where character, care for one another, rational and evidence-based common sense guide us.
This powerful movement is already gathering tremendous momentum involving citizens across both sides of the political aisle who share these core values and are deeply united on this particular issue.
- Diversity & Action. This statewide movement reflects remarkable diversity across the political, racial, socio-economic, and every other “spectrum,” forming a beautiful mosaic of thoughtful citizens who share one common goal: to protect our children and each family’s freedom to choose.
- Vaccine Neutral & Choice. We’re “vaccine-neutral” – broad swaths of those in the movement have received the Covid-19 vaccine. However, we stand for parents’ freedom of choice in our kids’ health care, and we stand as a voice for the marginalized children in this particular story.
We stand vehemently against:
- Forcing children as young as five-years-old to become human shields, assuming vaccine-injury-risk for a disease that poses no risk to those who are healthy — just so adults with comorbidities can feel a little bit safer. What kind of a society does that?
- Stripping risk/benefit discretion from parents with a novel vaccine for children, while, if healthy, are at statistically greater risk of the common flu than Covid-19.
- Irrational, top-down, one-size-fits-all mandates for children that directly contradict the current, full body of scientific data.
Immediate Action Required
We are quickly uniting the various groups across the state while simultaneously collaborating with many regarding strategy and the most effective ways we can aid the excellent work they’re already doing. Given that every moment counts, we need everyone reading this message to immediately:
(1) Click on the landing-page link below and take a few moments to provide your contact information. We must build a network that social media cannot “cancel.”
(2) Aggressively distribute this message and landing page to all of your contacts and ask them to do the same thing two things.
(3) Please like and share our Facebook and Instagram pages far and wide.
Please help us harness the power of leveraging broad personal networks to fuel exponential growth in the development of a network of like-minded parents and citizens across the state. Please help us do this in parallel to our ongoing work of unifying numerous groups and collaborating.